
How Does Social Class Affect The Quality Of Your Education

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How Does Social Class Affect The Quality Of Your Education
Does the Social class, where a person falls into in the United States, affect the quality of your education? The American society is structured into different social classes based on wealth, income, educational attainment, occupation, and social networks. There are three different social classes in which exists in the society we live in: Upper class: A higher social class correlates with access to resources such as tutors, private lessons, private schools, and higher quality public schools, Middle class: The class of people in a society who are above the working class but below the upper class, typically composed of professionals and managers, Lower Class: Conversely, children in lower socioeconomic classes may live in impoverished, stressful …show more content…
It is also proven that children’s initial reading competence is correlated with the home literacy environment, number of books owned and parent distress. Because of this reason, in the United States of America the quality and value of your education has an effects the on social class. Therefore, education plays a major role in defining your social class in the United States. It is drilled in our heads as kids that we need to go to college and get some degrees if we want to go anywhere in life and if we want to be successful. So, if you do not get an education then you are looked at as uneducated, however if you go to college and get whatever degree you want you are looked at as successful, even though many college graduates graduate with thousands of dollars’ worth of debt on their shoulders. While the rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer, and that is effecting our economy because the poor students that cannot afford college could go if it was for free or if it were cheaper. Those students could go to college and fulfill their dreams of being doctors, physicians, politicians, and so on then our economy would bloom and more people would become successful in America. However, sadly, that is not the case. Many students that are in the lower middle class and lower class go to college and either end up dropping out because they cannot afford it or the students stay and take out a lot of loans from the college they go to and end up paying back nearly twice that amount due to interest and that will take them almost a lifetime to pay back everything back to the

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