Social Media has the most overpowering impact on the idea of the perfect body. Everyday teenagers and adults scroll through their phones viewing the unrealistic requirements about body image. In the early 1920’s America wanted women with more curves and about one hundred and fifty pounds. Men, on the other hand, were not as influenced to have that perfect body, Today, people are insecure because they do not look like the people in magazines or on the internet. Men are expected to have muscles strong enough to lift cars, …show more content…
In the late 40’s and early 50’s the ideal body image for women was “the thicker the better”. Women did not need to be thin, curviness is what men desired. Male body image was a lean, stylish look. In previous years women were trying to become independent, so the influence for a perfect body was minimal. Male influence was low as well because they were busy serving the country at war. Compared to today’s society which is highly impacted with social media, and celebrities. We are focused on having the most desired body that is flaunted on magazines. Whether it is the thin, yet curvy body for a women, or the muscled strong body of a Man. The large impact society can be easily seen, it’s what influences us in our daily lives and that is why America has a high expectation for body