For one thing, I remember listening attentively as our class was being assigned large projects and presentations. For several of these projects my fellow students and I were able to work with partners or even groups. Being cooperative was especially important for many of these assignments and I would always try my best to do so and complete my work. …show more content…
This was our largest project of the year, second to our STEM project. Unlike our STEM projects, here we only had two weeks to prepare for our presentations, but I was up to the challenge.
In any event, my partner and I split the vast subject of the endocrine system into smaller sections.
Working responsibly in the limited time we had we researched, in detail, using both new and old resources.
Along the way I came across many questions such as, “What part of pregnancy can lead to gestational diabetes?”. Luckily our teacher was able to answer a majority of them. Although I had a basic knowledge of hormones many topics I came across while working were new to me. However, my determination motivated me to understand it all.
In the meantime, I worked assiduously and efficiently collecting information to complete this project. I set designated time each day to work on the project so I would not have to cram at the last moment. Knowing that I would later have to teach the subject to my classmates, I worked diligently to gather the knowledge needed for my subject. After all the information for the assignment was gathered my creativity kicked in.