
How Does Steinbeck Present Loneliness In Of Mice And Men

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How Does Steinbeck Present Loneliness In Of Mice And Men
Have you ever felt lonely or isolated before? In the story “Of Mice And Men” by John Steinbeck these characters Candy, Curley's wife and Crooks are all on the look for the American dream during this they all experience loneliness and isolation in their own way.

Candy is the oldest out of all of the workers he is also disabled and this causes him to have the most money out of all the workers. “And they give me two hundred and fifty dollars cause I lost my hand. and I got fifty more saved up right in the bank. right now.” (Pg.59) Candy knows that because of him being disabled he won't be able to find a job after the one he has now. He tries to persuade George and Lennie with his money to let him go along with them on their “American dream”

Candy also is very laid back and stays to himself, he lets people take advantage of him he goes with the flow and doesn't speak up for himself. For example the workers are all in the
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For instance the workers don't let him play cards with them in the bunk house. “They play cards in there, but i cant play cause i'm black. They say i stink. Well , i tell you, all of you stink to me.”(pg 68) Crooks has his own room in the ranch and although he is allowed to be with the other works he stays to himself because he is not wanted and is discriminated against because of his color but he just wants to be accepted like everyone else. Crooks usually acts mean towards all of the workers but when lennie comes into his bunk house and crooks realizes he just wants to talk he invites Lennie in because he usually doesn't have company. “come on in awhile long as you won't get out and leave me alone you might as well set down , his tone was a little more friendly now.”(pg69) Lennie and Crooks sit and talk for a while until George comes home and finds lennie and tells him to go to the bunkhouse because he isn't supposed to be in Crooks

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