Steinbeck uses many ways to make the fight powerful and significant; he makes things in the scene fast paced, from where Curley sees George smiling, to him starting the fight and Lennie getting beaten up, to Lennie crushing his hand. Yet Steinbeck stretches the fight over 2 pages and a bit, where as it would have probably lasted less than 30 seconds which shows it’s a significant piece and amongst it there is also quite a lot of dialog for a fight, these things creating a lot of tension. The climax up to the fight makes it quite important and significant as well, the way Curley accuses one of the most respected man on the ranch – slim, the reason Lennie is smiling, happy and it turns bad for him so quickly which is unexpected “his eyes slipped on past and lighted on Lennie; and Lennie was still smiling with delight at the memory of the ranch”
Another way Steinbeck makes it powerful and significant is by using a lot of animal imagery; “Curley stepped over to Lennie like a terrier” using animal references, gives a clear picture to the reader, the way that he “stepped” over to Lennie. Steinbeck also describes the fight in great detail, and at times uses quite aggressive language “Curley was balanced and poised; He smashed down his nose with a right. Blood welled from his nose” The clear descriptive language that he uses makes it clear and powerful to the reader, ” as well as using verbs such as “slashed”, “smashed” and “slugged”, the repetition of the sibilance of the harsh “s” sound creating a notion of violence. By using animal imagery and strong descriptive language, it makes it a power moment
The contrast also makes the fight a power and significant moment, Curleys aggressiveness , a wanting-to-fight behavior, and then Lennies powerlessness and helplessness (at the start of the fight) not wanting to get hurt, hurt Curley or wanting George to be angry at him behavior.