
How Does Swift Use Satire In Gulliver's Travels

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How Does Swift Use Satire In Gulliver's Travels
What kind of academy can be called scientific when they try and turn poop into food or extract sunlight from cucumbers. In Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, Gulliver visits this academy while traveling around the world meeting many different peoples and places. Swift uses satire to criticize different features of eighteenth century England, including the royal academy and partisan politics, by using different symbols and illusions on all of the islands showing all of the negative aspects of those facets of society. When Gulliver stumbles upon the Laputan people, he discovers a people with their heads in the clouds too focused on an abstract idea to think of their own peoples well being. He uses an illusion within their society of …show more content…
Their community symbolizes a rational existence, a utopia. They have a language that does not include words to lie, or other irrational ideas. They don't even have names as they have no need for names. Whereas the yahoos are human in appearance, they are truly animals that are so stinky. They are basically opposites of houyhnhnms being very carnal and more irrational. They are dominated by the houyhnhnms and due to their sensualness and irrational way of thinking they are the only dark spot on the utopian island. As Gulliver spends more time on the islands, he begins to identify so heavily with the more rational way of thinking that when he goes back to traditional civilization he cannot recognize the good spots as humanity seeing them as yahoos. He even is ridiculed as he begins to talk in cadence as a horse when he boards a ship, and when he gets home he must move away from society as he can now only see them as yahoos. This shows how the yahoos are supposed to symbolize all of the bad, irrational parts of humanity, such as lying, fraud, greed and jealousy. He is trying to show that more rational thinking will lead to a harmonious way of living due to the lack of distressing things. It is also interesting to note that swift portrays them as horses not as humans like the rest of the islands. This may suggest that it is not within human capabilities to live like this rather to be rejected as a way of animals living not capable of human adaptations. Yet, it still criticizes the English society ridiculing all of the irrational behaviors that go on within and all of the enmity it creates between groups of people. Swift instead is trying to preach a more rational way of thinking to create more harmony within

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