Man are not perfect as God and the Satan are always lure us into committing sins and keep us away from remembrance of Allah. However, Allah the most merciful is ever ready to forgive the followers as long as the offender repents, in other words, return to Allah.
How repentance can reform an offender? Can offender turn over a new leaf after admitting wrong and promise to be good? These crucial questions can be viewed from individual and religious prospective. …show more content…
An offender reflects on his mistake and humbly bears the gravity his wrongdoing. Repentance reforms an offender in the way of letting go oneself stubbornness, abandoning the wrongful acts and staying in the course of the righteous things.
An offender’s heart is overwhelmed with the sense of guilt that robs away his happiness. He will keep on punishing himself with the bitterness of the mistake. Taubah can purify the heart and clear the offender conscience. When the offender commits the mistake, it is like a stain on the heart and it only can be cleansed once he