Recently some phone applications have been created that track the information of people that is related to their health. These applications, and the current state of technology itself, has started a trend that has made people more prevalent to preferring communication through a phone application then through actual person on person interaction. Data showed that 91% of people would use an application that gives them information about their health and 80% said that they preferred mobile phone communication over an office visit. Such statistics indicate, and are reflective of, the shift in the medium in which people prefer to communicate with.
Technology is currently progressing at an unfathomable rate; …show more content…
each new iteration of technology is more powerful and versatile then the last. If the speed at which technology continues to develop and improve remains constant, it is undeniable that technology will one-day match and exceed the current capabilities of actual doctors. How long until we are attended a machine at the hospital, like a MacDonald’s, instead of a doctor that has attended med school. How long until we are communicating through with a robot in a text chat about our medical question and a potential diagnosis instead of people. How long until a phone application has the potential to serve as a doctor and use the data that it collected itself to come up with an accurate diagnosis.
At this point the healthcare industry has two choices, they can either move aside and let innovation take over the established industry, or integrate with the changing technology.
Health ensures have already decided to join the technological trends. Currently about 70% of health care companies offer rewards of the data collected by the health tracking applications or devices. Such strategies are meant for the health care industry to advantage of the majority of people that already have use these technologies. Such integrations of new technologies and the health industry are favorable because they are mutually beneficial. The technology providers benefit form more business, the healthcare ensures know have more data form it users and users get rewarded by simply using something they already where
The unstable trends of technology are becoming more and more integrated to all facets of people life. Currently technology has plays a huge role in the health care industry and as technology progresses the health care industry will have to undergo severe changes not only to the medicine that they prescribe but long time preserved traditions like the role, or even presence, of doctors themselves. Currently, the technology to replace doctors does not exist, and only time will tell if it ever will, but if the integration of technology in healthcare insurance companies ins anything to go off of, it soon might be.