Luong Dang
Ms. Howard
May 6th 2015
Dang 1
As school districts around the country consider investments in technology in an effort to improve student outcomes, the accessibility of the Internet has been expanded in every school around our country
. Some say that money could have been invested in something more useful, but as a student, I say this is one of the best investments from the districts. I have been using the
Internet for almost everything: as an entertainment tool, source of knowledge, and communication connection. This investment from the districts has expanded my ability to use my tool, to expand my knowledge, entertain, and communicate with others at a place that I am spending most of my days at. Thus, the investment has a really great impact toward me as a student, and I know that it also affects other students. So I came up with my question ,“How does the easy accessibility of the Internet affect the academic growth of high school students in the
United States ?”.
The advancement of technology has brought us a new way to communicate, which is many times more effective than the past. In the past, society used to learn from books and documents; it was the only way to transfer knowledge between two people, but it wasn’t easy to share world wide. Through the Internet, every piece of knowledge , lesson, and theory can be uploaded online and shared to everyone easily. Because information is so easy to access, students are using it to serve their educational needs. It has been 3 years since I got my first laptop, and my grades have been going up in several classes, which require lots of reading and researching. I am really interested in how it has helped me to be able to do better on homework and classwork assignments. Technology has advanced: everyone in the United States is connected to the
Cited: . Aug 19, 2014 April 21,2015 Edutopia , OCTOBER 5, 2011 . April 22th 2015 US NEWS .April 19, 2011 April 21,2015