Media and marketing through the media is the reason that not only college sports, but any level of sports generates majority of their money. The money is generated because the media increases product sales, fan gear, fan base and ticket sales. At any level and area, in order to make money you must properly market. Since 1849 when a telegraph was used to cover a boxing match, media has been the reason for the large portion of the equity in sports. {Media in Sports 3rd edition,}
Media allows you to advertise, market, showcase, broadcast, interview, do articles, cover pages, sell products, network and stay current. The radio contributed to popularity of college football however, MLB owners thought it would destroy attendance. When MNB team actually decided to broadcast on the radio attendance was increased which generated a higher profit for MLB owners. Media continually growing in mid-80s, abled networks selling $1 billion in advertising during sporting event like the super bowl and Olympics. The super bowl is one the most reputable and profitable events in sports that the media has grown to a goldmine. Tickets range from $1,000 to $11,000 and suites ranging from a quarter million to a half million. Super bowl commercials are starting at $4 million dollars for 30 seconds of air time. Not only does the media sell the game but they sell the athletes that the fans fall in love with. Sports went from radio occasionally to television 24/7.
Plenty say that the salaries of the athletes are way too much. However in the article “ Have professional athletes salary gone over board” {2011} states “Ticket sales collected about $60 million for Super Bowl XLII. Ads for the same game brought in almost $3 million per 30 second commercial, for a total of about $275 million in that area. In 2007, it was estimated by the CEA (Consumer Electronics Association)