
How Does Voltaire Use Satire In Candide

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How Does Voltaire Use Satire In Candide
Voltaire’s novella, Candide, uses satire to discuss and criticise philosophical Optimism, the prevalent Catholic philosophy during his time period, the Enlightenment era. Voltaire himself was known to oppose this theory, and employed caricatural figures in his writing, such as the characters of Pangloss and Martin, to mock the ideas that they stand for. The old woman, as a character, is not a protagonist nor does she show up particularly frequently in the text, but she is significant to the theme of the story. In Candide, Voltaire uses the character of the old woman to contradict the Optimism/Pessimism of Pangloss/Martin and develop a theme that the best philosophy is one that accepts the evil in the world yet perseveres in spite of it.

The old woman is used in the novella to aide in the delegitimization of Pangloss’ character and the philosophical Optimism that he
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This symbolizes the unconstructive nature of philosophical Optimism and those who believe in it; people are more than willing to complain and to diagnose the world’s problems, but will do nothing to help. Voltaire’s point when writing around this issue is that the belief that all things happen for a reason fosters a sense of laziness, because if bad things are going to happen anyway, and it’s all for good in the end, then what’s the point of fighting back? Pangloss’ philosophy leads to a lack of compassion, and is ultimately misbegotten, when at the end of the novella, “Pangloss confessed that he had always suffered horribly; but, having once maintained that everything was for the best, he had continued to maintain it without believing it” (111). This quote shows that even Pangloss, the figurehead of Philosophical

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