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BOBO puts on his hat) I had my life staked on this deal, too… (He exits)(pg.106)”.Walter and Bobo both tried to change the course of their families future by trusting Willy with their money. This was a bad mistake on both of their ends and it couldn’t be resolved, and both of their families will later suffer after the incident.
Therefore this is why Walter Lee is considered to have no morals about anything cause all he cares about is himself and money. Walter did not have any morals when he took and spent the last of his mother’s check, He didn’t care about putting his family at risk when he accepted the deal from Mr.Lendener, he just accepted the deal from Lendener he didn’t even go over it with his family to make sure that it was the right move for everyone, and he had very low morals when he gave his money to Willy who later scammed Walter. Walter didnt stop and think about anything he just saw this as an opportunity for him to become rich and tables turned on him later on. People should learn that having morals is a very important key that people need to have in this day and age without it you won’t survive. You have to know what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. Money is something that comes and goes in this world so