Ⅰ. Introduction Dissolved oxygen is just one of the many ways to measure water quality. It means the volume of oxygen that is contained in water. The amount of dissolved oxygen in water usually determines the quantity of organisms living in that water. Dissolved oxygen levels vary by how much oxygen the water can hold, how much oxygen is produced by photosynthesis, and how much oxygen is consumed by respiration. If water is too warm, there may not be enough oxygen in it. Just like us and land animals, aquatic animals also need oxygen to breathe and live. Dissolved oxygen makes aquatic life possible. A dissolved oxygen level that is too high or too low can harm aquatic life and affect the water quality. When oxygen levels are below five milligrams per liter aquatic animals can either become stressed or die. When there are too many aquatic animals in a certain area, dissolved oxygen may become harder to get because of overpopulation. …show more content…
We are going to get water samples from a pond that has brackish water. There will be three categories with three samples in each category for a total of nine samples. The water in the categories will either be cooled, heated or left at room temperature. Then we will record the amount of dissolved oxygen in each test tube, and we will average the results for each category. Lastly we will make a graph showing how temperature affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in water.
Ⅱ. Hypothesis
In cold water, molecules are closer together, which makes it harder for oxygen molecules to escape. Therefore, the higher the water temperature, the less oxygen will be able to dissolve because colder water can hold more oxygen than warmer water.
Ⅲ. Materials and