
How Does Wto Affect Canada

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How Does Wto Affect Canada
Free trade was a concept that was introduced by Globalization and global theorists gladly embraced this. The specialized trade community hailed the treaties and institutions such as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and World Trade Organization (WTO) that were set up to encourage World trade. Even though many theorists and logicians were behind Free trade, but also many Environmental non – governmental organizations attacked NAFTA and WTO because they believed these strong forces would weaken national policy regimes that want to achieve environmental sustainability.
Canada is positioned as a semi – peripheral state by the author, as ‘they are neither fully dominant nor fully dominant’. Canada covered the ground between the very strong and the very weak countries, it participated in writing the formal rules by which all these International Organizations (IO) govern
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Another important impact was if any municipal, federal or provincial Government favored national or provincial firms over other foreign firms then the Government of Canada is liable to be attacked by other Governments of those countries who belong to NAFTA or WTO. Additions such as these to the Canadian legal order have had a direct effect on legislative consequences. This brought an end to a long generation of industrial development. Canadian governments could no longer provide subsidies’ to domestic firm in order to increase their competitive performances and also boost the economy’s exports. The external constitution has impacted Canada by weakening Government autonomy in the trade sector and allowed for external forces to interfere with domestic trade affairs. Governments had had to changes their laws and regulations because of various clauses presented in these trade agreements which are

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