"Dulce et Decorum est" shows the incident of a gas attack Because Wilfred Owen is showing what he experienced as a soldier and that is the reason for him writing the poem. In the first verse the poem introduces me to how slow and Unwell the soldiers were as they were trudging through the mud. In the Second verse the poem gives me a brief description of how bad the gas Attack was. In the Third verse the poem tells me about Owens terrible Nightmares. In the fourth verse the poem shows how horrible it was to stand There and watch a man …show more content…
die knowing you can do nothing to save him. The Poet Wilfred Owen has used very unusual words and Phrases in the Poem "Dulce et Decorum est" such as "Coughing like hags" This is an effective word play because it helps me to imagine how Unhealthy the soldiers were."Trudge" is also effective because it helps me to see how tired the soldiers were and how their feet got stuck in the mud.It also shows that the soldiers had a tired effect to them as trudge is a word that sounds like they have just gave up."Flung" is a very effective word because it shows me how the soldiers were treated, they were just flung around and it shows how horrible it was.For example Flung makes it sound like the soldiers were not cared for and it didn’t matter what they did they wouldn’t be seen as good people or even decent enough to be treated properly.
Some of the main themes in the poem "Dulce et Decorum est" Are war, Lies, Horror and Truth. When the poet, Wilfred Owen talks about War he shows the horror of it all and he writes with such detail because He was there and witnessed such horror. When he talks about lies he is Talking about "Dulce et Decorum est" - It is sweet and proper to die
for You’re country. He talks about lies as this may be seen as sweet and proper in soldier’s eyes but most people don’t recognise how much the soldiers so for they’re country and is it sweet and proper to die feeling unappreciated and un worthy of life? In the poem "Dulce et Decorum est" the poet, Wilfred Owen Makes a point of using Simile's, Personification and Onomatopeia's.This Makes the poem more interesting. One example of onomatopoeia is "guttering, Chocking, Drowning" Which is a great one because it conveys the horrific Sounds o the man dying. One example of a simile is "like a devil's sick of Sin" it is useful simile because it compares it compares the man’s face With that of a devil who has witnessed terrible evil. In the poem "Dulce et Decorum est" the poet, Wilfred Owen makes It personal to me when he says "you" because it is like the poem is Targeted at me and its like he’s talking to me. He uses word play which in my mind is his most effective technique. I like this poem because it makes me feel like I'm there witnessing the horror Wilfred Owen was. This poem puts the reader through only some of the emotional damage that Wilfred Owen went through and it shows the reader with ever word chosen just how painful it was to watch such horror going on all around you and even to experience such horror.