The war guilt clause meant that Germany was fully responsible for the war, along with the damage and deaths caused during the war. This gave the big three free reign over Germany and all of their punishments, even where the allies has caused the damage. This guilt cause meant that Germany could also be charged for all damage, resulting in reparations. This is either payments or resources which are given to the countries who were affected to help reconstruction industry, society and economy post war. France was determined to get large amounts of reparations from Germany, over £22 billion, whilst GB and USA tried to reduce this figure to prevent the entire collapse of …show more content…
Firstly, the war guilt cause blamed the whole of Germany for the whole war, meaning they had to pay huge reparations of £6.6 billion. This meant that famine spread across Germany as they went into a huge recession as they paid France and other countries for the damage caused during the war. This meant they also had lost some crucial trade links to GB and other countries, which was also affected by the loss of land which was important to trade, like the city Danzig which became free under the League of Nations. This economic downfall eventually lead to the German government printing more money, which caused huge inflation, leading to extremely high prices to even the cheapest of