How far do you agree that the Black Power movement hindered the campaign for civil rights in the 1960s?
I agree that the Black Power movement hindered the campaign for civil rights in the 1960s to a small extent. In order to answer this question I will be analysing times of progress caused by Black Power, and times where there was none, in the 1960s.
One example of how the Black Power movement facilitated the campaign for civil rights in 1960s was the effect it had on Martin Luther King. Because of Black Power, King focuses the 3 years before he dies to fighting for civil rights in North America. Firstly by leading The Poor Peoples Campaign in 1968, which was aimed at tackling the social and economic problems black people faced, which the Chicago campaign had brought to his attention. The Black Power movement drew huge attention to the problems black people faced living in the ghettos and forced King to be open to more radical methods and demands rather than his former method of working within the system. These radical methods lead to success, his support from many Labour Unions and religious groups, through this campaign, began to raise the money necessary to combat poverty, unemployment and poor living conditions for black people in North America. This confidence was caused by the Black Power campaign and conveyed his support of black power and black identity. King also supports the Sanitation Strike in Memphis, Tennessee, before he dies, showing how he had focused his efforts towards the North of America and their economic and social problems.
Another example of the facilitation of the civil rights campaign was the confidence Black Power gave African Americans all over America. Black Power and the Black Panthers encouraged them to learn about their history and to discover their identity. This made them feel deserving of the rights they were fighting for and therefore more determined to achieve their goals. The Black Power