The media is an important aspect of life in our culture. About 95% of people own a Television set and watch an average of 3-4 hours per day. By the end of the last century over 60% of men and 50% of women read a newspaper each day and nearly half of all girls, from the age of 7 read a girls magazine each week. In addition, people interact with a wide variety of other media such as music delivered by cds or videos, and communication via personal computers.
Each form of media has a different purpose and content. The media seek to inform us, persuade us, entertain us and change us. The media also seeks to engage large groups of people so that advertisers can sell them products or services by making them desirable. Other institutions such as governments also engage the public via the media to make ideas and values desirable. Institutions from politics to corporations can use the media to influence our behaviour.
Body image is a person 's perception of his or her own physical appearance. A person with a poor body image will perceive his or her own body as being unattractive or even repulsive to others, while a person with a good body image will see him or herself as attractive as others, or will at least accept his or her current form. Perceived body image is not necessarily related to any objective measure or the average opinion of the other; a person who has a poor body image may be related as beautiful by others, and a person with a good body image may be rated as unattractive by others. Body image is most strongly affected during puberty.
It is believed that young
Bibliography: Allison LaVoie (2004). Media 's Effects on Girls: Body Image and Gender Identity, Fact Sheet. Becker, A (2002) ‘Marked link found between eating disorders and TV '. In British Journal of Psychiatry, June 2002 Dittrich, L. "About-Face facts on the MEDIA." About-Face web site. [Online: [Cited May 2007] Donnellan C. 2002, Eating disorders. 24 ed. Cambridge. Independence. Holzgang J, ‘Facts on Body and Image ' compiled by Holzgang, J. Just Think Foundation web site. [Online: . [Cited May 2007] Hope, J. "Girls ' Self Image Survives Effect of Glossy Ads." 2004 Daily Mail LaVoie A (2004). Media 's Effects on Girls: Body Image and Gender Identity, Fact Sheet. Lehane, M., 2001. Starvation, nursing journal, 14 (31) p 19 Peacock, M. "Magazine Models Impact Girls ' Desire to Lose Weight, Press Release." (2001) Shallek-Klein, J. "Striving for the Baywatch Boy Build." Silver Chips Newspaper, October, (2001.)