Globalisation can further be defined as the process of the intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across international boundaries. It is principally aimed at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio economic theory across the globe.
Although globalisation has been opined to be positive powerful force that improves material well being of human kind and aids developing countries to create better economic environments to “leapfrog” into the information age; improve their access to technology; speed development and enhance global harmony. Its effects on the political, economic, social and cultural nerves of Africa states are adverse. These adverse effects have consequently affected the development of Africa’s states negatively.
Globalisation has ravaged the major sectors in which development strategies has been formulated undermining the strategies rendering them impotent to realization of major goals of development.
Globalisation has affected development thinking and actions of developing polities in Africa. It has relegated ethical equity and social concerns behind market consideration therefore reducing the autonomy of the Africa’s states. It has compromised the mediative role of the state vis-a-vis external pressures, thus threatening the discretion of the state. This has resulted into negative impacts to the development process in that for any society or nation or continent to develop it has to portray high ethical equity and address any social concern before making any market consideration.
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