How God Organizes people for Effective Action
Damion Gordon
Student # (23733817)
CMIN 650
Presented to Dr. Michael Mitchell
February 17, 2013
Throughout the biblical record, regardless of the situation being used by God, one can clearly see that there is a plan and purpose to the approach taken by the Lord when dealing with His People. The word of God shares the model for discipleship as well. Previous study comes to mind when discussing job design and suggest that in the human resource profession, the design of the job is a major focus. The secular model of job design has similar qualities when compared to the Biblical model used By God. When He prepared the Israelites for their eventual entry into the Promised Land, The plan and design of the transition helped to ensure divine procession. This journey was certainly not for the faint at heart. However God ensured success and divine safe guard under His supreme leadership.
Leadership today should leverage the principles expressed in Scripture to help guide and plan for ministries and Christian education. This paper will show that God 's original model for family is still transferable to present day application for Christian maturity.
Job Design
In investigating job design, the business world has focused on the dynamics of designing in a way that helps the collaboration and effective knowledge sharing between individuals. One could argue that job design may directly impact specific employee motivations to share knowledge. Job design then simply becomes the process of defining task and work arrangements to accomplish goals. The best job design is one that meets organizational requirements for high performance and is a good fit for individual skills, needs and provides opportunity for personal satisfaction. Indartono, Chiou and Chen investigated how personal job fit and servant leadership
Bibliography: Barna, George. Growing True disciples: New Strategies for Producing Genuine Followers of Christ. (Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2001). Brooks, James The New American Commentary, Vol 23 Mark, Electronics Ed. Logos Library System. (Nashville Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001). Mitchell, Michael. Leading, Teaching, and Making Disciples: World –Class Education in the Church, School and Home (Bloomington, IN: CrossBrooks, 2010. Richter, Sandra L. Epic of Eden: A Chrisitian Entry into the Old Testament Introduction to Educational Psychology. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2008) Schemerhorn, Jr., John R., James G Shelley, M. Vol. 4: Growing your church through training and motivation: 30 strategies to transform your ministry. Library of Leadership Development (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1997), Tidwell, Charles Yount, William. Created to Learn: A Christian Teacher’s Introduction to Educational Psychology. (Nashiville, TN:Broadman & Holman, 1996),