Does taking supplements help in reducing weight?
› Some peoples have succeeded in reducing
their weight by the help of supplements. But there are also peoples who did not succeed of reducing weight although they used supplements.
There are three types of workout that have been carried out in the gym.
› The first one is cardio type, the second one is
lightweight exercise and the last one is the heavyweight exercise.
We can learn more about how obese people have chance to get an ideal BMI (weight) from gym activities and proper supplements. Our focus of study is towards the current gym users who are undergoing fitness and weight loss training. Through the conducted research, we will be able to access the relationship between different gym activities and how those would results in our respondent body mass.
The study objectives are:
› To study various type of gym facilities and their effectiveness. › To learn about how supplement intake aid in weight loss. › To relate how gym activities affect weight loss between our respondents.
› To determine how great motivation affects gym training.
We went to the fitness gym at Ipoh. We met the owner of the gym, Dr.Gobi.
We asked for his permission to do the research in the We met the staffs, Qasehgym. and the trainer, David. Akma,
We had a small interview session. Distributed the questionnaires to 50 peoples in the gym Collects the questionnaire Calculate and analyze the results
The gender of our respondent who had been given the questionnaires.
Classes of BMI
Type of workout favoured by gym people to reduce weight.
Type of workout favoured by gym people to reduce weight.
Type of workout favoured by gym people to reduce weight.
2 1
20 19
25 5
Number of people who use supplement or not.
26% 74%
Number of people who using and without supplement with either they success or not to reduce weight.
Things that motivate to lose weight.
From the data that have been analyzed we recommend that the person that enter the gym should do more cardio training session more than weight training. In order to lose weight more effectively they must take a fat burner to assist their body metabolism in trying to lose some weight.
As a conclusion,78% of total gym people succeeded in losing weight and another 12% have not yet achieve any results. Most of them that is 94% never left cardio intense workout to lose their weight, and from all the succeeded individual,84% use fat burner to assist their weight loss and body metabolism
Supervisor : Madam Siti Noraihan Authority of Fitness Network Owners of Fitness Network, Dr. Karthik and Dr. Gobi Gym trainer, Mr. David Friends for their understandings and supports
M.A. Eric Cressey CSCS CSCS, Matt Fitgerald (2008). Get Your Strongest Body in 16 Weeks with the Ultimate Weight Program, Maximum Strength, 20, 100-120. Alex Hutchinson (2011). Fitness Myths, Training Truths and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise, Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? 48, 190-199. American College of Sports Medicine (2011). ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, 50, 205-230.