Freedom is a major concept in the founding of America. The original thirteen colonies were founded by England, and many British citizens moved to the colonies for freedom. After the French and Indian war was over the king of England still sent more troops and it made the colonists feel uncomfortable and they got a feeling that the king of England was oppressing on the freedoms that they seeked in the New World. This was the start of the Revolutionary war. The Revolutionary war was a war fought for the Colonies Independence from Britain. After the Revolutionary war the colonies became the United States of America, The Articles of Confederation were written so that the United States would not be under the rule of corruption or tyranny as they had experience with the king of England.…
¨America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves¨. That quote is from one of our famous presidents known by the nickname of Honest Abe. Freedom to me is to have rights as a person and a nation. The bill of rights is one of the biggest amendments to me, because it shows all of the rights we have as Americans. Some of the amendments that are in the bill of rights are under discussion today and if they go through with changing them they will be taking away our rights that we have as americans.…
“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” Albert Einstein. I think we can learn a lot from this quote.All people are supposed to be treated equally, and have the same rights as everyone else. What freedom means to me is to be able to say,believe,and make our own choices without being judged or harmed.…
Freedom really means to determine action without restraint. In the Revolutionary war era, this was not true. Freedom meant to not be enslaved. The few rights that came with it were bonuses. Blacks did not have freedom the north.…
Freedom is not something that anybody can be given; Freedom is something that people take and people are as free as they want to be. Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, states, "Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." Basically, Franklin is saying that in any circumstances mankind should not forget about the most important thing in the world - freedom. Freedom is when people have the opportunity to pursue happiness without any barriers. Freedom "gives" happiness because the state of being free is aligned with our true nature. The more you are aligned with your true nature, the more you are well. To simplify this, I would say if we have freedom - we have happiness; if we lose freedom we lose happiness as well. I believe people are only able to value it, as far as they can acknowledge how much it's important to them. I really love and appreciate the opportunity to be happy, that’s why I totally agree with Benjamin…
Freedom is one of the greatest values in life. It is our very nature and that is…
Freedom is the state that you have power to act, speak and choose whatever you want. Everyone have the dream about being free and live without force in their lives, and also people have their rights to live without flexibility. Freedom is an essential act in people’s life because people who have not rights to speak or act are like a bird in a cage. People need freedom for choosing what they want to do, saying their ideas, and voting.…
The term freedom itself can hold so much power in society. It is what drives a society to succeed or die. Freedom means individuality,…
Freedom is the single most well known attribute of our great nation. But just how free are we really? I would argue that America is one of the freest countries in the world, though it could be freer. The rights and freedom described in the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, as compared with what current society actually allows creates many different pictures of freedom from several perspectives.…
America was founded upon “Certain Unalienable Rights” which among those were Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Those three values, or wants, or ideals are what has shaped America to what it is today. Government of the United States has always made sure Freedom took a huge part in the way America functions. The Quarter has been worth 25 cents for quite some time and has had the emblem of “Liberty” on the left hand side of it. For the word liberty to be engraved in every single quarter demonstrates how valuable that want or ideal is for the founders of America and for the people residing within its boundaries. We Americans have the right to speak and say whatever we wish. In other countries such as Islam, one could be struck down, or killed for mouthing their own opinion. Politics is all…
When talking about being American, freedom is one of the most important elements in building America. But do we know what freedom really means? According to Katharine Gammon, a freelance science writer who has contributed to many works for large corporations:…
The definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint (Oxford Dictionary). For various people, freedom seems to be a gift given by our soldiers; others believe freedom remains to be a given right given by god, as the constitution says. People go through their lives, living day to day, not necessarily understanding the freedoms they have been given; by those who fight for us, give up their lives for us, and live for us. Whether it’s at war or at home, whether it’s the soldier that suffers or the family, and whether it’s the mind that breaks or the body. The price of freedom is pain and sacrifice paid by the soldiers of the United States.…
Freedom is like a dog without a leash, To hold it back from running through the grass, What rights do you think that goes along with freedom? People say freedom is the right to do whatever you want or to do whatever you please. But it's true isn’t the way people think it is. Freedom is the right to what you want in life, where to live and what to believe in without harming any rights of people.…
Since July 4th, 1776 the United States has a free country. Citizens of the United States have freedom of speech, religion, and many other things. Webster's definition of freedom is, "the condition of being free of restraints." To me freedom plays a large role in my life. Three things that would be freedom for me are going where ever I wish, actions without negative consequences, and morality to my standards.…
Freedom is the right of individuals to act as they choose. Our freedom is taken away from us though when terrorism strikes. Terrorism implants fear in to the minds of all and disrupts our everyday actions. On September 11, 2001 a tragedy occurred in New York City, at the World Trade Center. Two hijacked airplanes were flown straight into the twin towers killing over 6,000 people and injuring the minds of all Americans. This violent act of terrorism was masterminded by the Al-Qaida leader Usama Bin Laden. After the attacks, various freedoms were taken from us. For example, the freedom of flying in an airplane without fearing it being hijacked, opening a letter in the mail without the fear of it having anthrax in it, and the simple freedom of taking a tour through the White house because it was temporarily shut down to tourists after the attacks. If we cannot put a stop to terrorism then the lives that we lead will be stricken with the fear of not knowing if we are safe to fly in a plane or take a ride in a bus. America is now in a war against terrorism and we are going to fight until the end so we can insure the safety of all Americans and so we can put a stop to this undying threat of terrorism that has been a problem facing the…