‘A picture can say a thousand words’ might seem a bit of a cliché, but it shouldn’t. Photography has truly revolutionised our world and it continues to do so. We’ve not only changed our own behaviours and thoughts as a result but also witnessed technological revolution with the help of photography.
Let’s examine how the change has occurred.
It has changer our understanding of the past
Photography has provided humans with another form of recording past events. It has ensured that historic events are not just stories on paper, but real images we can see and touch. This has meant that past is much more present in the here and now. It has also made history more accessible – in a world where lots of people still can’t read, pictures tell an universal story of the past. You don’t need to read and you don’t need to know the specific language to understand what has happened.
It has …show more content…
Instead, she wants them to “inspire or move viewers towards a productive dialogue or higher understanding”.
It has changed our technology
But photography isn’t just about the philosophical power of watching images. The art form has also revolutionised technology and therefore, made changes to the world around us.
The introduction of digital cameras have made photography accessible to all not just the lucky few. Cameras have become cheaper and better – meaning we’ve all become much better at snapping photos.
However, it is precisely this technological revolution that has also changed photography’s role in the world. Everyone can essentially be a photographer and the life changing images mentioned above might not be taken just by professionals. The role of citizen journalism has truly increased – you just have to look at any recent event and you can see newspapers and news channels using people’s photos as part of the