Houston is affected greatly, influenced by, and is shaped by the 5 crucial themes of geography. Not only that, Houston thrives by and grows by the major themes of geography. All the important themes of geography; Location, Places, Human/Environment Interactions, Movement, and Regions, effect and make Houston as a city of it is today. It is because of these themes that make Houston one of the most positive locations to live in.
Where is Houston, Texas exactly, or its absolute location? It is at 29.7628 degrees North, 95.3831 degrees West. It has a decent relative location, along nearly all the other major Texas cities. Houston, Texas is near the coastline of Texas, which is near the Gulf of Mexico, and is nearly connected, naturally and artificially, with the city and port of Galveston, Texas, which mainly lies to its east. To its west lies San Antonio, another major city, and to its slight Northwest lies Austin, the capital of Texas. College Station, or Bryan, Texas is exactly or close to Northwest of Houston, Texas. Almost North of Houston is Dallas, Texas. All of these help give a relevant location of Houston, Texas when using the other major Texas cities on the Coastal Region of Texas.
Houston, Texas has a humid subtropical climate with summers that usually reach more than 80˚ degrees, but uncommonly more than 100̊. Houston's warmest month (on average) is July at 94.4 °F (34.7 °C), and the coldest month being January at 53.1 °F (11.7 °C). June through August in Houston is very hot and humid, often with scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. The average daily high temperature peaks at 94 °F (34 °C) in July, with an average of 99 days per year above 90 °F (32 °C)(Summer). Autumn in Houston is warm, with temperatures averaging in the upper