Final Assignment
(How Human Resource Practices have changed the image & appearances of organization?)
Course Instructor: Mr. Umer Masood
By: Syed Nabeel Sabir – BM 25792
1. Acknowledgement:
In this document, I have tried to apprise that how HUMAN RESOURCE – Human Resource Practices have changed Organizations’ working. Further, have elaborated that, how these practices have impacted the image and culture of any organization?
I am grateful to course instructor Mr. Umer Masood for his continuous guidance and support on this assignment.
2. Human Resource (HUMAN RESOURCE)
The term Human Resource is used for the employees, workers and people who work in an organization. This is the human resource that plays the vital role in the success and failure of any organization. If organization has capable people and they are giving their best so definitely organization will go up. On the contrary, organization has lazy, unskilled, unfit to their job responsibilities people so definitely it would go against the interest of Organization.
Let’s take an example, a software company is given project which development has to be done in Java (Programming Language) – this is the requirement of customer, however, this company has people who have hands on experience of other Object Oriented Languages so you can better get the idea of the quality of deliverables. This product will not be acceptable to customer as it is not developed on the described language and it would incur negativity to organization’s portfolio. In connection of above example, if the organization had the resources or would have hired people of Java so things would have turned into favor of this organization.
The importance of Human Resource can also be understood that there is a textile factory, where fabric is made and then designed with the combination of different prints and colors. For making and designing, factory owns two workers who are individually fine with their