For my math IA as an example, my teacher told me to browse through the topic list and do some very quick research at a Wikipedia page. Comparing to other encyclopedias, Wikipedia has more sources and more information as a quick and easy method. When I came up with my Biology EE topic, teacher ordered me to find some supporting sources first, and the most crucial point is never using Wikipedia as my writing source. Through my own experience, it is possible say that teachers may have stereotypes about Wikipedia reliability which affect their students, too. …show more content…
The potential reason as what Jay Walsh replied that “There’s technically nothing to prevent a public relations person - or anyone else - from changing an article”. The same thing also appears in China that everyone can change some materials if they meet the requirements. It is hard to assume the availability and integrity in the whole article.
Adam Wilson, a geographer at the University at Buffalo claims that the best policy is to use Wikipedia as a jumping-off point, not the last word on any given topic (The Washington Post). As the trustworthy of Wikipedia still in controversy, it only appropriate as quick search instead of deep development in my