They also advanced a lot in construction, they built suspension bridges to cross from one
6.,t<LG ~ brlc}ess mountaintoanother/whichwasimpressivewhichweremadebythickropecablesatstone towers.
In technological advances they enlarged the system of terraces already used by Andean froers. The Incas made remarifable advances in medicine, this one was one of the biggest advances that the Incas had because if they were advancing in medicine and in how to cure yourself they could save lives.
gold was another fashioning object used a lot. …show more content…
That's why they are the most impressive civilization.
magnificent engineers. They built a system of roads and bridges across the roughest terrains of themountain-]osAndes.ThroapBh-theirsystem-Ofcolleedve-laborand'theLmostedvamed centralized economy, The Incas were able to secure unlimited manual labor. They built more than 14,000 miles of paved road that connected Cusco the capital to all comers of the empire.
This system it is still used to'do the roads just that this system has been-evolving so that it is more effective than it was but it is still used to make roads in a more effective way.
This achieve has a huge impact in our lives because without this we wouldn't be able to dri-ve and to cross -from lone point to another for example you couldn'-t cross a mountain because it wouldn't be possible to jump from one side to the other so this is why bridges are so