This all started because of the British. There are many reasons why it started in
Britain for example resources,population growth, and innovations.Since everyone started to cramp into the cities, there was a big demand for products. One big factor is the improvement of transportation.This allowed industries to transport goods to other places.This required a lot of …show more content…
money so people were encouraged to invest in these products.
The negatives of the industrialization mainly affected the workers.The life span dropped by 30 years.The workers had very bad living conditions the shelters they lived in were dirty and there were few laws that prevented this from happening.The working conditions
were awful the injuries were even worse.The workers didn't really care because they were getting paid. The worker's pay was extremely low.It was about one dollar a day and a bit lower for women.Work hours were very long.Work was about 10 to 15 hours a day.The most shocking negative was child labor.This was common in many industries.This saved the industries more money since children would work for less.
There are many positives to the industrialization. Housing was cheaper which meant more workers would want to work in certain places.People got paid more than in farms.A lot of factories were made which leads to more jobs.The mining industry would hire anyone which meant more money for the lower class.The cities would get bigger and the economy would grow. All of this matters, of history because it changed life and businesses everywhere.Industrialization is a large source of income.It has also become the main piece of countries economic development.Industrialization was a big step for many.It did a lot of things like machines took place of tools. Industrialization brought major advances in technology.This is why industrialization was important back then and is important now.