Agriculture is a very important sector in Bangladesh. However development of this sector has been slow and productivity and output as not been up to standard as Bangladesh has shown immense potential in the past. This research was carried out to find out whether IT can be used to develop Bangladesh agriculture. Through this report I have looked at some of the problems that are facing Bangladesh agriculture today and whether IT can solve those problems. I have also looked in to points that stand in the way between IT and agricultural development. I have also focused on areas such as the benefits that farmers can gain by embracing IT. However for my research to be meaningful I have taken into consideration that it is possible to provide agricultural areas with high speed internet. And also farmers can gain access to databases that contains necessary information about proper farming.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 2
Abstract 3
Table of Contents 4
Introduction 5
Background 7
Research Question 9
Hypothesis 10
Methodology 10
Data presentation and Analysis 11
Summery of Research Findings 21
Recommendation 22
Conclusion 23
Works Cited 24
Agriculture is one of Bangladesh’s most important sectors. It generates 19.6% of national GDP and employs 63% of total working population. Most rural areas are dependent mostly on agricultural for food and income. However, even being of such great importance, the sector is highly undermined. Farmers do not receive necessary assistance to develop crops. Required information for growing and managing crops, plowing, fertilizers, pest control, and crisis management are scarce.
With the help of information
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