“house problem” because cartoonists compared the social classes and their houses and lives. Labeling had played important role to deliver the message of the cartoonists. Labeling is the use of words to display or explain a person or an object. In the first cartoon, cartoonist labeled the rich man as rich and the poor family as middle class. It is not really important because cartoonist already used symbolism of the car and tent to show the difference. In the second cartoon, cartoonist only labeled the poor family by the signs. The cartoonist only wanted to clarify the message of the poor family. Labeling as in speech was used correctly, which made the cartoons wittier. Without labeling or the dialogue, the cartoons wouldn’t have any meaning and wouldn’t be that sarcastic. Although labeling wasn’t important much; the cartoonist of the second cartoon used it to show poor family. Both cartoonists added symbolism to the cartoons to magnify the social classes.
Symbolism is the use of object to represent and magnify an idea. In the first cartoon, The Rolls Royce car, the wine, and the house of the rich man, and the tent, clothes and food of the poor family are examples of symbolism. The Rolls Royce car, the wine, and the house represent the wealth of the rich man, but the tent, clothes, and food show the poverty of the poor family. In the second cartoon, cartoonist uses symbolism: the Car, the cigar, and the chauffeur of the rich family, and the clothes and signs of the poor family. Even expressions are used as symbolism. The Car, the cigar, and the chauffeur clarify the pride of the rich man. The signs and clothes magnify the problem of poverty. The expressions in the first cartoon aren’t powerful than the second cartoon. In the second cartoon, the expression on the rich lady’s face indicates pity, but the expression of the rich man shows his selfishness and carelessness. Although both cartoonists used Symbolism, the symbolism in the “unions” cartoon is smarter due to the expressions and objects used to show the points of view of each person in the …show more content…
cartoon. Irony is the second major technique used by both cartoonists to deliver the personality of the upper class.
There are two type of Irony: verbal and situational. The Irony of situation is that the result is different than what was normally expected. Verbal Irony is when a person says something and means another. Verbal Irony is used in the first cartoon when the rich man says that he is also roughing it for a house. The man is saying that he moves a lot and can’t find a certain home and he is pulling a mobile home with his expensive car. Situational Irony is used in the second cartoon: the rich man wanted to eliminate the middle class and his wife is feeling pity. The rich man should be caring about lower classes and he wants to eliminate them, while his wife should love the money but she care about the poor family. Although both used different type of Irony, the first cartoon’s irony delivered the real message behind the problem in more sarcastic way. He should have enough money as he can afford car, mobile, home, and a caravan but he feels that he is living like middle
class. Both of the cartoons had common techniques. The Smart use of these techniques delivered the message behind social class problems that had increased in these previous years. That proved that cartoon is one of the best methods used to illustrate a huge problem in sarcastic way to the people. Although both cartoons had equal use of the techniques, I believe that the first cartoon was funnier and the delivered the message successfully due to the intelligent usage of these techniques: irony, labeling, analogy, and symbolism.