Speculate on why Orwell made the reader sympathize with all the animals except the pigs, the most intelligent beasts and the closest to humans of any of the animals. During Animal Farm, Orwell made one feel empathy for every animal on the farm. He helped us understand what they were going through, and made us be able relate to their sufferings. However, for the pigs, he did not do that. Whenever he explained what they were doing, he did it through the eyes of other animals. While this may seem unusual, there is a good reason for why he did this. The reason is because Orwell wanted to paint the pigs as the villains. He wanted to make us look at them and not understand what they were doing and why, leading us to be able to speculate about it on our own. The reason for making us speculate about this on our own is because he wants to make us know how much we are like the pigs. He wanted us to be able to be able to see the facts and see why what the pigs were doing was wrong, and then make the connection that humans do the same things. While on the surface this novel may seem shallow and unimportant, when one looks at it deeply, it can be seen as a novel about how the human psyche works, and what we can do to make that …show more content…
Explain why an “enemy” or scapegoat is necessary for the animals. Why does the “enemy” have to change? If there were no “enemy,” what would that mean for any society, including that of Animal Farm? For a society to be successful there needs to be a scapegoat. It does not even have to be a person as it can be an idea. The rules of a scapegoat being needed in any society apply to Animal Farm also. We can see this because in the book the humans are painted as the scapegoats. Even when someone besides a human does something wrong, the humans are still blamed. If the animals on Animal Farm did not have the humans as a scapegoat things would have been completely different. All the blame would not have been able to have been pinned on the humans and more animals would be able to see how bad of a leader Napoleon was as he would have no one to blame when something went wrong. While earlier I did say that in society there needs to be a scapegoat, it should not be a person. That just encourages hate towards specific groups of people and creates conflict that should not be there. It also helps the people who are doing the spreading of the hate to spread propaganda about those ‘bad’ people more easily. For a society to function well the scapegoat needs to be an idea. In every society that has ever worked well in this World that has always been true. For example, in America the scapegoat is the destruction of equality and freedom and that scapegoat has served us well for over 200