Introduction – The idea of propaganda to bring the country together to fight for one whole idea.
The use of propaganda by the Axis powers during the Second World War was a fundamental concept in the war effort. Both countries became unified during the late 19th century so their need to generate a solidarity through an idealism was of particular importance. Propaganda was a useful tool in order that they may gain the support of the country and in many aspects a tool in order to justify actions in the war. During the Second World War in Nazi Germany there was an emphasis put on the home front to assure of their support and allegiance to the country and the cause. This followed on from feelings of disconnection between the home front and fighting fronts during the First World War. Both nation states required the support of their populations in order for the fascist regime to succeed. This essay will focus on the aspects of propaganda used throughout the Second World War. Looking at the successes and failures in Axis propaganda in …show more content…
This however fell short of its reality as it required a level of enthusiasm in its peoples. The PNF however, failed to bring about this in reality. This is as the Fascist Party failed to establish the link between Italian people and Fascism through both its organisation and propaganda. The failures within Italy’s fascist regime can often be linked to the idea that they were trying to replicate Hitler’s Germany. Their fascination with his regime especially towards the treatment of the Jews did not go unnoticed. From a historical perspective it is easy to consider the idea that Italy was not whole- heartedly fascist but rather placed much importance on its relationship with Nazi Germany in order to keep a strong