
How Is Blood Pumped Throughout the Body

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How Is Blood Pumped Throughout the Body
Blood is pumped through the body by the heart by two different circuits, one of the circuits in the systemic circuit and the second circuit is the pulmonary circuit.

The system circuit, starts via the left atrium and passing the mistral valve down into the left ventricle. The ventricle will then contract shortly after the atria have started relaxing and followed by the closing of the atrioventricular valves, so blood does not back wash into the atrium. Pressure will becoming higher in the left ventricle allowing ventricular systole 's second phase to begin by forcing blood through the aortic semi lunar valve up into the aorta so blood may reach the rest of the tissues in the body. Afterwards, the ventricles will becoming diastolic (relaxing) and pressure is now higher in the aorta then it is within the ventricles and this will cause back flow of blood back down to the ventricles but the aortic semi lunar valve is has shut itself so blood may not backwash back into the ventricles. During this time, blood will be slowly returning back into the left atrium by ventricular diastole second phase & atrial systole but do note that the atrioventricular valves are still closed so blood doesn 't wash into the ventriculars.

Blood will travel through arteries then to arterioles and lastly to capillaries so it may begin a gas exchange of oxygenated blood to the tissues to unoxygenated blood back to the heart, via the capillaries, venules, veins then superior & inferior vena cava.

Next is the pulmonary circuit which it will return the deoxygenated blood into the right atrium via the superior/inferior vena cava down the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle and blood will be forced up into pulmonary trunk via the pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary arteries via the ventricular systole (same exact process as systemic circuits.) It will then travel towards the lungs, via the ateries then arterioles and capillaries once again but this time the capillaries with run

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