In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Brutus is the tragic hero for many reasons. Brutus' character is noble, loyal, and honest. In the play Brutus is forced to make a difficult choice between killing Caesar, the ruler of Rome, to save Rome or to stay loyal to Caesar and let him live. Even when he stabs Caesar he is noble because he was doing it for the citizens of Rome.…
A tragic hero can be defined as a noble, high-class individual which takes his own life in return of the greater good of a society or empire. Marcus Brutus displays characteristic traits which fit the common theme of tragic heroes, which display signs of noble birth, the suffering of a catastrophe, as well as the presence of a tragic flaw within the individual’s personality. Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, written by William…
Traits that an individual personify do not make one to be perfect. Others can dream of such person, but everyone has flaws. Humans have flaws, as there is a need for heroes. An idealistic hero is best known as the Shakespearean tragic hero. A tragic hero has goals involving choices and be a man of great and admirable stature. During 44 BC, Julius Caesar ruled the Roman Republic into the powerful Roman Empire. Before Caesar’s rule, he left Rome for military services, and returned to rule Rome. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the character Brutus is a tragic hero possessing the flaw of pride leading to his downfall.…
The story of Julius Caesar is a time period where Caesar was the noblest men of all of Rome. It's a famous time were there was a lot of tragic events. For example in act 3 scene 1 Cesar is stabbed and killed by the conspirators at the senate. The fall of their King was a tragic event. Also Brutus committing suicide who was also one of the noblest man of Rome. A tragedy is a powerful impact in a story. Which in ties in with a tragic hero who is the main protagonist {character} in the story but they will most likely will not achieve their ends they will most likely die in trying. Brutus in my opinion is a tragic hero in the story of Julius Caesar. Brutus is a character that we learn about who he really is. We learn what his motives is in the…
Marcus Brutus’ plight is ultimately a decision to save a republic that involves sacrificing its soon-to-be dictatorial leader, with the conspiracy taking into consideration the pros and the cons of such an act. Often times the better choice is the more difficult one, especially when it involves the murder of a man beloved by all. As such, Brutus is the tragic hero of the play Julius Caesar. His tragic flaw is his easily trusting nature, and his conflicting emotions and nobleness make him one of the most renowned tragic heroes of all time.…
Honorable or not? Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare was a tragedy consisting many events. The tragedy of Julius Caesar began in Rome when the people of Rome are taking a holiday to celebrate the triumphant return of Julius Caesar. Two tribunes’ names Marullis and Flavious try to shame the people of Rome for their fickle behavior for one minute praising Pompey and now praising Caesar. Julius Caesar is a highly successful leader of Rome whose popularity seems to model a dictatorship. Although Caesar is loved and supported by the citizens some begin to grow worry of his increase in power through out Rome. Soon these worried citizens conspire to assassinate Caesar before he becomes king thus returning their republic government into a monarchy. These worried citizens consisted of two main characters Brutus and Cassius. Brutus ends up joining this conspiracy in killing Caesar because he strongly believes in keeping Rome a government ruled by the people. In addition to that, during the celebration, of Caesar is warned by the Soothsayer to “beware the Ides of March” The next…
is in a sense the dominating figure in the story, but Brutus is the hero” (Paolucci, “The tragic hero”). Shakespeare meant for Brutus to be the hero of the story. He is a tragic hero by Aristotle's definition. He was good because of his care for the city of Rome. His tragic flaw which led to the death of his best friend; he was too trusting toward people. His tragic realization was at the end of the play, which was when he had to flee the city and go into war leading to the death of him and the conspirators. The audience also felt the emotions such as pity and fear for Brutus, which is another one of Aristotle's rules. Pity because Brutus only followed along with the plan of killing Caesar because Cassius tricked him. Fear because what if a close friend turned on one of the people in the audience, such as Brutus…
Marcus Brutus defines as a tragic hero in the play, The Tradegy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare. Brutus faces a major conflict between his inegrity with Caesar and intergity with the country of Rome. Throughout the play, Brutus allows himself to maintain honorable to Caesar eventhough he has joined the conspirators to assasinate Caesar for the good of Rome.…
The tragic hero archetype has been played with for as long as literature has been created, but no one had quite a spin on it like William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s tragic heroes were specifically designed to elicit pity and fear from the audience and to really feel their downfall. In Julius Caesar, the protagonist Brutus is a well-made example. But the character of which the play is named after is often not considered as one. Although the character of Julius Caesar does not follow all the requirements of the traditional Shakespearean tragic hero such as Brutus, the titular character still should be considered one.…
“Et tu, Bruté?” (III.i.85). This quotation by Caesar sums Brutus up as a character in the William Shakespeare play, The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar. It shows his flaws and his ambition. Brutus’ flaws are shown when he turns on one of his friends. His quest is to save Rome from the power of Caesar. Brutus is also a great leader and is always loyal to Rome no matter the circumstances. Brutus’ flaws, heroic qualities, and his quest to save Rome show he is the tragic hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.…
A tragic hero, by Aristotle’s definition, is a powerful man with great character that possesses a flaw that leads to his/her inevitable hardship or demise. All of these traits, which Brutus carries, Cassius and the conspirator take advantage of.…
After reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, some readers interpret Julius Caesar as the tragic hero of the play. However, Brutus is the real tragic hero. A tragic hero is a character that is virtuous, but makes crucial errors in judgment or possesses a tragic flaw that leads to their downfall. The tragic flaw that mars Brutus is his rigid sense of moral and political principles. Unlike Caesar, Brutus was able to separate his public life from his private life, but this hinders him when making major decisions. His character held clear distinctions between honor, friendships and his devotion to Rome. Throughout the play, Brutus places too much trust within the conspirators, especially in Mark Antony, which is a crucial error in judgment. Brutus is the tragic hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar because of his stern belief in moral and political principles and his inflexible sense of honor and nobility.…
There is a fine discrepancy between what's right or wrong, and the "tragic hero" is said to be on the controversial cusp. His actions are good intentioned, but flawed. In William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," Marcus Brutus's elaborate character is argued to be a tragic hero, largely because he appears to meet the three requirements: Being born into nobility but with a fatal flaw, making a self-inflicted mistake, and winning the audience's sympathy. While Brutus may be a complex character with internal conflicts, it is ultimately one's own decision to do what's right. Caesar's life was at Brutus's mercy, and he became the coward he truly is when he drove the dagger into Caesar's heart.…
The play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare is a thrilling story set in ancient Rome. The play focuses on the death of Julius Caesar and his best friend, the tragic hero, Marcus Brutus, who killed him. Brutus is the tragic hero because he was prominent in society and had a fatal flaw. His fatal flaw leading to his downfall also makes him the tragic hero. As the tragic hero, he recognizes his mistakes and is redeemed. Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero in the play Julius Caesar since he is prominent in society, has a fatal flaw that leads to his shameful downfall, but experiences recognition of his mistakes and is redeemed from his downfall.…
Although Brutus was Caesar’s closest companion, he let himself assassinate his own best friend for the good of Rome, therefore becoming a hero of his country but forever a traitor in the dead eyes of Caesar. Will Brutus ever forgive himself for this? William Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar to leave readers pondering upon the boundaries of sacrifice, the loyalty (or absence of) in friendships, and how peer pressure and needing to “fit in” persuades our own decisions. Sacrifice: to surrender or give up for the sake of something else.…