
How Is Christopher Columbus Selfish

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How Is Christopher Columbus Selfish
All over the world the name Christopher Columbus is known, rather the name is seen in good standing or not is an argument for another time. I plan on discussing in great detail, Christopher Columbus who he was, where he went, what it is he did, when it took place, why it’s important to the United States of America and our history, and how it is he accomplished these things. Are we certain that Christopher Columbus is deserving of the title Founder of the New World. This paper is focused on a fairly specific time period of fourteen hundred and ninety CE to approximately fifteen hundred and five CE. I will be looking more at his voyages what came from them, and there intended purposes.
Christopher Columbus is considered by a lot of people to
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“This time he had an army with him, seventeen vessels and approximately fifteen hundred men.” Christopher Columbus would again sail west, looking to further chart and plot what he believed were islands off the coast of China. Upon returning to the settlement he left on Hispaniola, Columbus found the settlement was destroyed, and the men he left there were dead, this infuriated Columbus. Columbus ordered his men to capture the indigenous people, and force them into labor. He would use his new found labor force to build a new settlement approximately seventy miles away, which he would name Isabella, only to move the settlement one more time, this time calling it Santa Domingo. He sailed around the Bahamas, and explored the southern coast of Cuba but was unable to make the determination that it was in fact an island. Columbus would return to Santa Domingo before ultimately returning to Spain almost empty handed. Getting gold from the indigenous people of Hispaniola proved to be difficult, and even his own men became unruly. Back home in Spain Columbus would try to make arrangements for a third voyage which he would ultimately …show more content…
The combined effects of warfare, famine, and demoralization resulted in the collapse of their society. Numbering perhaps three hundred thousand in fourteen hundred and ninety-two, they were reduced to fewer than thirty thousand within fifteen years, and by the fifteen hundred and twenty’s had been effectively eliminated as a people.
His voyages were no small task for his men either, he lied to them in order to get them to go on the first voyage stating fewer leagues in his log than what they actually sailed, treated them poorly, and asked them to do heinous things. Of course there was some trading back and forth some good, some not so good, diseases spread through the Caribbean and Europe. Why would Christopher Columbus and his men endure all this? There has to be some reason for it, one does not simply go out and do these things for no apparent

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