However, they choose to navigate for the simple reason of traveling across Europe to Asia as it was a long and dangerous journey. Moreover, with the three ships knowns as La Nina, La Pinta and La Santa Maria, he wished to become the first European to explore Asia sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. Christopher was supposed to go to India because there was gold, silks and spices, when he returned to Spain he would acquire a percentage of what he brought back to Spain. Furthermore, Columbus in this mission took them thirty-three days, after leaving the waters from Europe so the explores and his men saw branches floating in the water and birds were flying in the air, which was a sign of land. According to this article on October 12, 1492, the first person that could noticed that the moon was shining over the white sands was a sailor named Rodrigo. In fact, it was the Island of the Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. Rodrigo was supposed to get a good amount of money, but never receive it, because this selfish man claimed that he had seen a light the evening before, and sure he got the reward. As we know, the Arawaks tribal was one of many that Columbus found in the new world, but the first Indian tribe who received him lived in a village and works …show more content…
So, after the ship collapsed he desired to build the fort in Haiti. Nevertheless, he left part of his men in the fort and Christopher instructions were to find a mina of gold. Then from there he traveled to Spain with the news about how he discovered a mine of gold. Because he didn’t know exactly the location of this supposed discovery, he made out his report to the Spanish court which was part fiction. As he really claimed to found Asia, and called the Indian there “Arawak “Indians, meaning people of the Indies. Columbus gritty as he was, in the second expedition accompanied him seventeen ships and more than 1,200 men. Indeed, they went island to island in the Caribbean apprehending the Indians, but they were surprised they didn’t found too many Indians leaving the village empty. Then Columbus went back to Haiti, where he found out that those men he left in Haiti were killed by the Taino tribe because they abused the children and