
How Is Hamlet Public Or Private

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How Is Hamlet Public Or Private
Do people ever truly say what they mean and act the way they want or is there something that drives them act a certain way? People have two very different sides of themselves, one that they wear in public and another that nobody sees, but it is the person that they are in private that reveals their truest intentions. In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, the persona that Hamlet reveals only to himself in private contrasts greatly to the person he shows himself to be in public. The person Hamlet is in private is very different from the person he appears to be in public. In private he is extremely narcissistic and only concerned about how difficult his own life is. He seems to have a very fixed set of morals …show more content…
He wants to do by right by his father and avenge him, but he does not want to sabotage his own chance at heaven by committing a mortal sin. He is very much driven by his own desires in life and that leads him to this internal battle of right and wrong, where he must decide if he is willing to potentially give up his own afterlife to help his father gain peace. He seems to be frustrated by his inability to “man up” and act on his father’s orders, but at the very same time seems to be in no hurry to actually act on the orders he receives because he is very self centered and only concerned about himself. If he truly wanted to avenge his father, he would go against his morals and kill Claudius right away, but he is really only concerned about whether or not killing Claudius will affect his own chances at gaining access into …show more content…
This helps him to keep up the ruse that he is mad, when he is actually narcissistic and having issues making decisions within himself. He wants people to believe that he is going mad of his own accord and not because of someone or something else. He doesn’t want people to have any idea about what he is planning in regards to his avenging his father, so he pushes Ophelia away to ensure that he won’t give anything away to her that she can report back to her father. He separates himself from her through cruel and heartless words to protect himself and his

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