This is the opposite as before he is indecisive and this time he acts too quickly. Hamlet acts on impulse when killing Polonius behind the curtain as he truly thinks it is Claudius hiding; however, it is not until it is tool late when he realizes what he has done. Hamlet inquires, “Is it the king” (3. 4. 26) and quickly realizes the wrong person is dead. Hamlet is caught up in the moment thinking he can finally murder Claudius; unfortunately, this is not the case and Polonius must suffer as a result. This occurs right after Hamlet has a perfect opportunity to kill Claudius while “praying” but it is too late. He tries to make up for it by acting quickly, but really he kills Polonius. Now Hamlet is a murderer and evil Claudius is still alive. Hamlet has lost all sanity. To sum up, the death of Polonius demonstrates that Hamlet is willing to ignore his values to achieve his end goal of killing …show more content…
First, Hamlet can only begin his mission to kill Claudius after he is given instruction from his late father. Moreover, Hamlet’s doubts and lack of appropriate action lead to Polonius dying instead of Claudius. Furthermore, it is Hamlet’s lack of awareness and execution that leads to his own demise. William Shakespeare uses violence and death in the play “Hamlet” to demonstrate the consequences of being indecisive. Some people wait for the perfect moment to act; however, sometimes the perfect moment never arises. It is frequent that the first opportunity to strike is the best opportunity for success. One must decide when the ideal moment occurs and if he fails, there are fatal