Marc Anthony perfectly performs this
speech and from the first hand account of Appian, we can see this. Once Marc Anthony started his speech it seemed like he already had them under his spell. They reacted just as he had wished and he just continued to put down Julius Caesar's killers more and more. He used several different descriptions but they all had the same meaning. The Appian account told the reader how the crowd was responding as well. It seemed like the event with the biggest impact was the visual one that Marc Anthony created when he took the sheet from Caesar's body, "Whereupon the people, like a chorus, mourned with him in the most doleful manner, and from sorrow became again filled with anger." Marc Anthony used this strategy a number of times, instilling the crowd with sadness then morphing it into anger. From this point on, the Appian account makes us believe that the crowd had its temper rise and rise until they went on there burning journey.
Shakespeare's version is a little different because of what he emphasizes. A tactic which seems more evident during the film is the teasing effect Marc Anthony has on the crowd with Julius's will. Each time Marc Anthony says he will read it and then backs away informing the crowd that they wouldn't want to hear it, and then somehow turns the anger of the crowd towards the "honorable men" of Brutus and the conspirators. The repetition of "honorable men" is quite obvious throughout the speech in the film, with each successive time he uses it the crowd picks up more on the sarcasm and gets more furious with "the conspirators". Exactly what Marc Anthony wants.
Both the first hand Appian account and Shakespeare's play show some amazing tactics and media skills by Marc Anthony. If you wanted to use a communication model, this would be a perfect one to copy. Marc Anthony is the sender; the message which he is trying to convey is what really happened to Julius Caesar and who really killed him. The tricky part is through which medium did he use to get his point across, now for starts he did use speech, but it was much more than that. His style is what makes it difficult, because some people could say that the medium was a picture, because of how he painted a picture for the crowd. But when it comes down to it, he just used different styles of speech. Things like emphasis, volume change, repetition, gesticulations, teasing, sarcasm and his emotions are just the beginning of the list. The reason why this speech is so spectacular is because he never once accused Brutus of doing anything, but through his style and tactics he created an effect that the crowd bought and agreed with. The feedback is this incredible fury and passion which roars over the crowd as they go running off to find these conspirators.