Oprah Winfrey is a hero because she is a survivor. She was sexual abused by her cousins, uncles, and a family friend. She lived with her mother when she was 7. She ran away from home because she was sick of the way she was being treated by her mother and her family. She avoided going to juvenile detention center by finding her father and her stepmother to care for her. She lived a better childhood with her father (“Oprah Winfrey Timeline”). …show more content…
She opened a fundraiser to help those who have been sexually abused in their lifetime. She wants people that have been abused to get the help they need for what aches them. She knows how it feels to be abused. She help those that really needed her help to get back on their feet. Oprah also went to Africa to help children in need of education. While she was there, she launched Christmas Kindness. It is a foundation that gave the children in South Africa toys and hope. She had help from Nelson Mandela to make the whole Christmas Kindness happen (“Kirkwood”). She loves to help children that are in