Shakespeare’s most popular play, A Midsummer Night’s dream, is a romantic comedy that features young lovers that fall deeply in and out of love in a brief period of time. This play is unique because it demonstrates tragedy and comedy at the same time. The comedy not only provides amusement and laughter but also helps ease tension between characters. In the play, A “Midsummer Night’s Dream”, William Shakespeare produces a comedy through foolish characters and mistaken identities.…
One of the primary impetuses in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is intense, wild feelings; love, hatred, anger, captivation, and shock are all obvious in the play and directly affect the terrible scenarios that develop. In (II.ii), the most acquainted feelings passed on are those of despondency, adoration and genuineness. Shakespeare utilizes symbolism, non-literal language and effective vocabulary to pass on these feelings to his audience.…
The reason that so many of Shakespeare’s plays have been adapted into movies is because of their timelessness and relatability. Throughout Shakespeare’s collection of plays he deals with emotions that every single person has experienced or will eventually experience. For example, in King Lear themes of forgiveness and betrayal…
Shakespeare should be taught in the ninth grade curriculum because of his rare dialect, his language he created is something you don’t hear today. His plays are really entertaining and people are still interested in watching his plays from people who are living today.…
Shakespeare has remained worth reading for his stories, which still are interesting with remarkable plot twist and characters. For instance, Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other and their families really don’t one another. Romeo kills himself because he assumes Juliet is dead. Macbeth deceives and murders the king that he admires because of the bit of greed.…
Before proceeding, it is important to understand that today only 5 of Shakespeare's 37 plays are taught by 90% of all high schools. 85% of the instruction is the study of Shakespeare's tragedies which include: Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Julius Caesar. 40% of English classes use a textbook and 99% feature a tragedy. (How many of William Shakespeare’s 38 plays have you…
Shakespeare’s works are not limited to expressing the concerns and interests of a narrowly confined historical period. They have in them the…
Shakespeare is still worth reading because (Your answer should be 3-5 sentences and give at least 2 reasons.)…
William Shakespeare was one of the most influential poets of his time and still is today because how well he immortalizes the emotions in his poems.…
What i’m trying to refer is that the play contains emotions that us humans still suffer with and that is Guilt, Paranoia, Jealousy, Greed and Murder. All of these emotions are still present in this day of age in society. For example a gambler, they think just because they make a small win they’re…
Shakespeare, arguably, is one of the most credited and well-known writers. People of all ages have heard of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s work is studied, criticized, praised, quoted, reenacted, and referenced. His work has affected many aspects of modern society including giving us many new words.…
William Shakespeare is known as one of the greatest if not the greatest poets ever and as one of the most terrifying names in literature. Shakespeare strikes so much fear into students because he is so hard to understand. His work is so large and woven into so many pieces that as Kate Tempest said it is hard to understand just how involved Shakspeare is. So many people loved his plays because it fits to everyone. He has dramas,comedies,and love tales.…
William Shakespeare is often called the greatest English writer of all time. For this reason, many students and educators feel that his work should be taught in high school. However, some argue that Shakespeare is better left for college or for reading done outside of school.…
It is true that there are things about him or his work that most love. In the article “ On The Bard’s Birthday, Is Shakespeare Still Relevant?” it stated “ But Shakespeare is beautiful. Shakespeare is life glimpsed through the cut glass of poetry” ( Petri 372). But, Shakespeare's works are confusing in this generation because none of us were alive when he was. Shakespeare is hundreds of years old. Our language has changed since then. There are new meanings to words from long ago. There is no guarantee that students will understand Shakespeare’s works the way they were hundreds of years ago. Secondly, Shakespeare is a man of mystery. There’s not a lot about Shakespeare people don’t know or don’t understand. Finally, Shakespeare’s works do not relate to today’s students. His works don’t do not provide cultural perspectives that prove to be very useful in classrooms. Shakespeare’s works have been around for hundreds of years, maybe it’s time to put his works to a…
Despite its age Shakespeare’s play has some very important things to say about human nature.…