How Is the Child’s Exploration and Orientation in His Physical Environment Complimented by the Montessori Materials and Presentation
How is the child’s exploration and orientation in his physical environment complimented by the Montessori materials and presentation? Dr. Maria Montessori’s goal of education is to develop a global vision within the children. Montessori calls the path to this perspective “Cosmic Education”, which develops in children a sense of gratitude for the universe and their lives within it. The concept of cosmic education presents a comprehensive whole picture of the world- a world in which the child sees himself as being a part. Montessori had much to say about world peace.She always says about the importance of developing an understanding of the human problem and restricting human society. She firmly believed that the way to do this was through the child, and that the work of education was to establish a lasting peace. Throughout history, humans have relied on their ingenuity and adaptability for survival. Regardless of race, country ,or culture, people follow similar patterns. After years of careful observation in children, Maria Montessori was able to identify 14 important tendencies that compel human beings to construct and refine the world around them, which she considered these as “Tendencies of man”, they are exploration, order, gregariousness, communication, abstraction, curiosity, calculation, repetition, concentration, self-control, perfection, creativity, independence and work. The Montessori prepared environment with its carefully chosen and beautifully arranged materials is build around these tendencies. Because of this, Montessori teachers do not need to force their students to; children are naturally drawn to the materials because they appeal to their instinctive drives. Today’s child unconsciously displays the same traits that early human did, and without realizing it,we often stand in the way of their exploration and manipulation because it is an inconvenience to us. When we are able to remove any hinderences to a child’s natural tendencies, the
Bibliography: Maria Montessori, To educate the human potential, A KALAKSHETRA PRESS, 84, kalakshetra road, madrass- 600 041.
LESLEY BRITTON, MONTESSORI PLAY & LEARN, Vermilion, re print by Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW*1* V *2* SA.
*Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, Henry Hold and company, LLC, 115, West 18th* street, Ney York, New York, 10011, 1995.
DMT 108, Modern Montessori International LTD, 107 Bow Road, Bow London E3 2AN.
Maria Montessori, the Discovery of the Child, The Random House Publishing group, New York, 1967.