In the documentary film “The Laramie Project,” many issues were brought up and discussed throughout its duration: socio-political ones such as laws against hate crimes as well as socio-ethical ones such as live-and-let-live philosophies. However, what may have truly caught my attention, and probably as well as others’, was the controversial socio-ethical topic of homosexuality.…
At the beginning scene they showed how beautiful and secluded the Laramie, WY with only 26687 people living there. It changed over night after Matthew’s incident. Now the town is defined by an accident or crime. Based on transcripts of over 200 interviews with the people of Laramie, WY there is many diverse opinion and views on many different subjects on a gay equality.…
In the play, “The Laramie Project” by Moises Kaufman he includes many testimonies from the towns people of Laramie, giving the audience a more accurate view of what led up to the murder of Matthew Shepard. Many of the townspeople gave similar accounts of what they thought and felt of the Matthew Shepard case, but there were also those who had other thoughts. From the gathering of witnesses and their testimonies the factors that led up to Matthew Shepard’s murder was being ignorant and closed minded about the views of homosexuals and to prevent this from happening in the future citizens need to be more open minded of the things happening outside their comfort zone.…
In his article, From Identity to Politics, Craig Rimmerman analyzes gay rights movements in the United States in order to discover whether it is feasible to connect identity concerns with a liberal coalition for social, political and sex inequalities. Progressive democracy has provided some lesbian and gay rights; however, they are limited. Gay rights continue to be the focus of political efforts to promote social change through lesbian and gay movements in the United States. Rimmerman also focuses on the different ways gays and lesbians brought the AIDS epidemic to attention.…
A critical intersectional analysis of the LGBT community reveals there are many layers of discrimination inclusive of race, gender, class and sexuality resulting in an unbalanced distribution of power. In our patriarchal society, the cis-gendered, white, wealthy, gay male holds the most power as this figure aligns most closely to the heteronormative hierarchy of power. This directly results in the agenda of said figure to become the forefront of the LGBT’s political movements. As trans-gendered people, who has consequently have limited access to education, opportunity or wealth are the most marginalized; their basic needs are not met or addressed in the LGBT community. Spade articulates the legal ramifications of the marginalization the transgendered community, “The debates about gender inclusion in the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) or the exclusion of gender identify protection from New York State’s Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA) are only the most blatant examples of mainstream lesbian and gay movement’s lack of gender-transgressive populations,” (Spade, :23.1)…
Rights are indefinitely something that people are born with, not something you earn. In The Laramie Project, by Moisés Kaufman and the members of the Tectonic Theater Project, Matthew Shepard, a homosexual college student was at a bar drinking and keeping to himself, when two other men Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson who were drunk approached the bar. They both made plans between each other to pretend to be gay and take Matthew Shepard somewhere and teach him a lesson; they attacked him, left him tied to a fence all bloodied .The author of The Laramie Project wanted this story to reach everywhere, and touch people’s hearts, so that they can see that no one should be treated differently because of how one chooses to express their person.…
Imagine yourself waking up every morning and realizing that you have to literally avoid death from the moment you wake up till the time you are supposedly safe at home. Imagine that you’re told by many people, who you love, that you’re a sin and that you will burn in hell. Imagine that everyday the people you thought cared for you turn you away and threaten you if you don't change, for some people that is something they can never even begin to understand, but now imagine it happening to someone for their entire life. Laverne Cox, a transgender woman and actress, gives a powerful speech during ‘Creating Change 2014’ (an organization that brings awareness to the LGBT community) she talks about the violent injustices and police discrimination against the lives of transgender women of color as a way to spread awareness of the inequalities of transgender within the LGBT community to those who feel the T in LGBT isn't as important. Throughout her speech she appeals to the viewer's empathy to those in pain through personal anecdotes and asyndeton sentences.…
My current event is about how AIDS is the top cause for deaths in young women. In its first study of women's health around the globe, the World Health Organization said that the AIDS virus is the leading cause of death and disease among women between the ages of 15 and 44.Unsafe sex is the leading risk factor in. Throughout the world, one in five deaths among women in this age group is linked to unsafe sex, according to the U.N. agency. The data were included in a report that attempts to highlight the unequal health treatment a female faces from childbirth through infancy and adolescence into maturity and old age. WHO Chief Dr. Margaret Chan noted that women enjoy a biological advantage because they tend to live six to eight years longer than men. But in many parts of the world they suffer serious disadvantages because of poverty, poorer access to health care and cultural norms that put a priority on the well-being of men, she said. Chan called it a "preventable tragedy" that nearly 15 percent of deaths in adult women occur in maternity, according to the statistics from 2004.…
These people, who are no different from you or I, were treated like barbaric, mental criminals, like diseases of society. They were looked down upon as if they were lesser than any other heterosexual. They had to pretend to be something they weren’t to be able to live, but in the end, they weren’t living at all. It’s hard to say why exactly the crowd choice to stay and stand up for themselves at Stonewall after so long, but like every heroic act, it sparked a…
We as Americans, are facing the most life changing illness since smallpox. The gay virus! People containing the gay virus are unaware of their illness. As an American I am disgusted at their acts of “freedom.” Homosexual actions are inhumane and barbaric. We must put a stop to them! This is the most un-american thing I have ever heard of. They are trying to ruin everything our founding fathers have established. Our fathers came over to new land in hopes of creating a new, but just as restricting, government. Now, I understand that we cannot execute them as that would be barbaric on our behalf, and there are far too many of those savage people to put to rest. Although, we as a majority should take a stand and help cure all of…
To reiterate, the novel, Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, demonstrates how society may lose dominance over their own lives if the government’s desire for stability along with advanced technology, overrules all. Sexual intercourse and soma aid civilization in not having to feel any adverse sentiments. Literature is prohibited as it causes society to think rather than being blind to their joy. Lastly, the government is able to maintain the population using human reproductive systems. Giving anyone the ability to control one’s body or thoughts always has a downfall.…
When one school district had decided that their policy of teaching homosexuality in sex-ed classes was imposturous, because it generated the idea homosexuality was okay. The school created a new policy in which bashed students whom were gay and those whom were perceived as being gay. Their policy “No Homo Promo” created hostility among the student body. It allowed for all bullying to be overlooked, ignored, and also reinforced the idea teachers could not teach certain subjects. According to the article, “teachers were not allowed to mention gays in any context” (Erdely, 2012). Ultimately, this policy led to nine students committing suicide because, they could not take societal pressure any longer. This group of adolescents wanted society to accept them as being normal individuals. Eventually, the school allowed an organization (referred to as GSA) to be created which, allowed for students whom were homosexual to have a place to go to feel safe. As stated in the article, “I joined the GSA cause I wanted to be just like her. I wanted to be nice and – loved” (Erdely,…
at “The Gay Rights Movement, also referred to as homosexual rights movement or gay liberation movement, is a civil rights movement that advocates equal rights for gay men, lesbians, bi-sexual, and transsexuals. The organization seeks to eliminate sodomy laws barring homosexual acts between consenting adults and calls for an end to discrimination against gay men and lesbians in employment, credit lending, housing, public accommodations and other areas of life.” Gay rights movement. (2012). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from…
Thesis Statement: The Gay Rights Movement dates back to the 19th century. By 1970 gay and lesbian organizations existed all over the United States and in other countries all over the world. Some supporters of the movement would say that our society as a whole has made great strides towards acceptance of homosexuality. However, gays and lesbians are still fighting for equality in 2009. The issues are vast and widespread, with same-sex marriage at the top of the list. In the world that we live in today one might be surprised to learn how many countries are accepting of gay and lesbians, as well as how many are not. The world has made progress within the last decade regarding this issue, but definitely not enough. We need to take steps to protect and balance Gay rights.…
The community most important to me has been largely invisible my whole life. I resisted to recognize I was part of the LGBTQ community for many years. Because of the way I was brought up, I avoided this community even when I knew I was part of it. However, in recent years I began to seek out other members of the LGBTQ community and continuously am amazed at the amount of support, acceptance, and openness this community has. The LGBTQ community has shown me how to fight against hatred with positivity, and how to be unapologetically myself in any environment.…