On every battlefield our country has ever been on since the founding of the Corps on November 10, 1775, Marines have been there to face and defeat all enemy’s, foreign and domestic. On each of those battlefields there have been NCOs that have fought, lead, and died in combat, to complete the mission and protect the Marine to the right and left .All of which had two things in mind; mission accomplishment and troop welfare. These two traits are instilled into every Marine, from the lowest-ranking private, to the commanding officer, but these traits shine the brightest in Corps’ NCOs who are ultimately tasked with accomplishing the mission through small-unit leadership and protecting and making sure each Marine under him is fit and capable, not only for duty but the mission at hand.
The history of the Marine Corps is the foundation from which every Marine is built from because to know one’s past is to prepare and improve one’s future. NCO’s are entrusted with teaching and enhancing their junior Marine’s knowledge of the Marine Corps to give them the view of where they come from and what it means to be “a Marine.” The Corps was built on its history and founded on its past. When each Marine becomes an NCO, he or she learns the NCO Creed and the first line of the creed states; 1) “I am an NCO dedicated to training new Marines an influencing old”. Every Marine is a leader and has the ability to teach, whether that is Marine Corps history or combat skills. Our history is what separates us from all of the other branches; this gives us that sense of worth that others will never experience. And it is left up to