he had some main qualities, that worked for him and in his line of work. Three of these main qualities were that he always had a vision, he was a good salesman and he was very creative.
Firstly Walt Disney had a vision which helped him become a great entrepreneur. Walt Disney's vision to begin with was; "Make people happy". It was Walt's vision that helped him reach his dreams and aspirations and become a great entrepreneur.
Secondly Walt Disney was a great salesman which also helped him become a great entrepreneur. You can have he best idea in the world, but if you can't sell it, it is pointless. Walt Disney had 5 main characteristics that made him a great salesman. He was always honest. Harriet Burns once stated, 'Walt's best best sales technique was absolute honesty'.
An example of Walt being a great salesman is when, during the production of Snow White Walt ran out of money. Walt went to producers and showed the, his raw footage. His great salesman quality meant that he could convince the producers to fund the rest of the project. Another example is how Walt Disney funded Disneyland. To finance attractions, Walt sold original programming to Tv studios