‘X factor’
‘The Inbetweeners’
‘BBC News’
All television programmes must stay within certain regulations set by Ofcom or for the BBC the BBC trust. Some programmes stay within these regulations but others do not. Before the watershed programmes must be suitable for their target audience, especially if there is a chance children could be watching. TV channels need to keep this is mind. The watershed stop at 9:00pm and this is when programmes which wouldn’t normally be shown to children are put on, this is to protect under 18’s from anything that could influence them in a dangerous way or cause distress.
‘The Inbetweeners’ protects the under 18’s by showing episodes after 9:00pm and if an episode which contains strong language is shown before 9:00pm then it will have the swearing left out of it, to try to make it suitable, this also excludes sexual scenes, crime and nudity. ‘The Inbetweeners’ could be seen as almost social deviants, because of the sort of situations they get in to and how they act around other people, this comes under category 2 which is harm and offence, Seriously antisocial behaviour is not to be promoted and the main characters in this programme seem to cause trouble a lot within the series.
Moving on to the ‘BBC News’, despite having an independence from Ofcom the BBC have almost identical rules that must be followed. ‘The BBC News’ is probably one of the hardest programmes to keep within the rules, as its job is to get us the non-bias news, reporting on crime, offense, worldwide affairs, elections and lots more. ‘The BBC News’ has to be very careful with fairness, as stereotypes on the news can become an hegemonic belief if the viewers believe what’s being said, and through representation and editing feeling about different groups, genders, race and age are easy to create. An example of ‘The BBC News’ going against The BBC Trust’s fairness regulation was with