To begin with, the Ku Klux Klan originated in many different aspects. The Ku Klux Klan was founded in Pulaski, TN, in 1866 (“Ku Klux Klan”). It formed during the reconstruction-era, which was after the Civil War (“Ku Klux Klan and”). It was also the time of Ulysses S. Grant’s election to presidency, who later won the …show more content…
The Klan first originated from a group of Confederate veterans in 1866 (Moore). The KKK leaders were called “grand wizards” (“Rise of the”). The first grand wizard of the Klan was Nathan Bedford Forrest (“Rise if the”). He was a Confederate general during the Civil War (“Ku Klux Klan and”). His terrifying Klan activities may have even started before the KKK was formed. During the final part of the Civil War, he led a massacre on hundreds of black soldiers (“Ku Klux Klan”). The lower leaders of the Klan were called “grand dragons”, “grand titans”, or “grand cyclopes” ( Staff). Similarly, many of the other leaders were also Confederate generals or colonels (“Ku Klux Klan and”). Later on it was more than former Confederates who were joining the Klan. Almost all white members of society were recruited and joined into the KKK (“Rise of the”). These new members did not all share common interest about everything (“Ku Klux Klan and”). The one common belief that they all did share was either white or democratic supremacy (Moore). Later on the Klan spread out and took control of more of the south (“About the