Professor Vollaro
ENC 1101 X1
27 February 2013
Research Paper How Life in the Air Force is Really About
In this paper I’m talking about how life in the Air Force is really about and how is different than Civilians. Air Force life is not easy it’s more intense and it’s not just a job. The life of a soldier is harder because they have to leave everything behind and start from scratch don’t believe me I’m going in from a real Airman point of view on a personal interview with Ken Martilik Jr., who just started the Air Force not so long ago and its now starting the real life as one. My research will focus on the life and career of the Airmen of Air Force. Air Force is the more mentally than physically, but its one of the most interesting force.
Knowing how life in the Air Force really is, is it similar to the civilians or is it more intense? The Air Force life is similar to being citizen, but some places are just specific just for military families. The Air Force knows people are the most important asset. As such, the Air Force has made quality-of-life issues around the base a top priority. In order to understand life on an Air Force base, here are some things that can help understand it better. When choosing to join the Air Force it’s best to look at the opportunity your getting from them. The Air Force is rank the most challenging and hardest to join because is has the best qualifying of life programs. This branch is the first to start using a significant portion to establish and maintain QOL programs. When the rank is E-4 and above you and you have serve three years of service, they are qualify to move off base and receive a monetary housing allowance, called BAH. The Air Force is the first to have on-base family housing, but the civilian is responsible to maintain and keep everything in perfect condition. Air Force is scheduling 38 housing projects that will include 32 thousand