At that moment, an agreement with Carthage officially confirmed the rule of Rome among the other Latin nations (The Roman conquest, n.d.). In order to regard Rome as an equal, these city states generated an alliance known as the Latin League, which was supposed to ensure appropriate equal authority and unity of goals (The Roman conquest, n.d.). I pondered whether Rome feared the Latin League would grow stronger and desired to control it if, like Athens and Sparta, Rome and the League were equally powerful. Indeed, the members of the League challenged one another for hegemony after Etruscan authority over Rome and the other Latium states collapsed (The Roman conquest, n.d.). In this sense, Rome's goals against the Italian city-states and Carthage would have been quite similar to Sparta's goals during the Peloponnesian
At that moment, an agreement with Carthage officially confirmed the rule of Rome among the other Latin nations (The Roman conquest, n.d.). In order to regard Rome as an equal, these city states generated an alliance known as the Latin League, which was supposed to ensure appropriate equal authority and unity of goals (The Roman conquest, n.d.). I pondered whether Rome feared the Latin League would grow stronger and desired to control it if, like Athens and Sparta, Rome and the League were equally powerful. Indeed, the members of the League challenged one another for hegemony after Etruscan authority over Rome and the other Latium states collapsed (The Roman conquest, n.d.). In this sense, Rome's goals against the Italian city-states and Carthage would have been quite similar to Sparta's goals during the Peloponnesian