3.2 What is light, and how does it travel through the various parts of the eye?
The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
Light rays enter the eye through the cornea, the clear front “window” of the eye. The cornea's refractive power bends the light rays in such a way that they pass freely through the pupil the opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye.
3.3 How do the …show more content…
The region serves as a temporary storage facility for short-term memory while at the same time making the memory available for recall and manipulation. The ability to manipulate information is essentially the theoretical difference between short-term memory and working memory.
5.4 How is long-term memory different from other types of memory?
Over the years, several different types of long-term memory have been distinguished, including explicit and implicit memory, declarative and procedural memory (with a further sub-division of declarative memory into episodic and semantic memory) and retrospective and prospective memory.
5.5 What are various types of long-term memory, and how is information stored in long-term memory organized?
Episodic, Semantic, Declarative, Procedural, Explicit, Implicit
Personal Experience, General Knowledge, How things are or were, How to do things, Knowledge easily explained, Knowledge not easily explained.
5.6 What kinds of cues help people remember?
Retrieval cues are words, meanings, sounds, and other stimuli that are encoded at the same time as a new memory.
Encoding specificity occurs when physical surroundings become encoded as retrieval cues for specific